Healthy food for our brain

Adequate protein foods such as eggs, beans, cheese and white meat (fish and chicken)
Carbohydrate foods, such as: whole wheat/grain bread, bananas and berries, etc.
Polyunsaturated fats can enhance deliverance of neuronal of messages, polyunsaturated foods such as nuts, salmon and avocado (check if allergic to this item)

Gross motor exercise brings benefit to our brain

Train own balance, help training the vision, improve reading ability in long-term
Touching different body parts or left/right parts through  gross motor exercise to help mathematics and logical development and also develop knowledge of liberal thinking
Gross motor exercises stimulate the cerebellum, driving the cerebrum stimulated to enrich the whole process

Tips for improving the Brain’s effectiveness

Sleep quality have great positive impact on the learning effectiveness, because entering deep sleep or dreaming  stage, human brain reorganizes information,  memory process from short-term to long-term storage
For each meal,  if possible include eggs, milk, salmon and other foods rich in quality protein
For Breakfast, recommend having bananas and whole wheat/grain bread and  rich complex  carbohydrate foods
Learn how to take  deep breaths or use abdominal breathing technique, help the brain learning at peak performance and improve the alpha brainwaves
During daytime or morning session, the brain is in its peak learning state, while close to evening to learn, its effectiveness decreases hence becomes less satisfactory
Quality Naps or Short breaks also help improve learning